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Berlin – Ecke Bundesplatz
By Dorothea Holloway | November 29, 2013
Diese faszinierende Langzeitdokumentation, von 1986 bis 2012, über 60 Filme über Berlin – Ecke Bundesplatz von Detlev Gumm und Hans-Georg Ullrich wurde mit dem Deutschen Fernsehpreis 2013 ausgezeichnet.
Presented as a Berlinale Special (2009 ) Detlef Gumm and Hans-Georg Ullrich’s Berlin – Ecke Bundesplatz (Berlin – Corner Bundesplatz) chronicles ordinary people living in an old quarter of West-Berlin.
It was screened in its entirety as a 5-part, 450-minute long-term observational documentary. Launched 24 years ago, Berlin – Corner Bundesplatz took the pulse of the times via the destines of its protagonists: a single mother on welfare, a school dropout sinking into drugs, a conman lawyer convicted of fraud, a retired civil servant trying to piece his life together after the death of his wife.
These, and other stories, mesh into a must-see urban kaleidoscope on the human condition. To celebrate the completion of the series, five new episodes in the Berlin – Corner Bundesplatz cycle were screened appropriately in the Cosima Kino venue on the Bundesplatz itself, followed by a gathering of the respective families in a local restaurant. A warming moment in Berlinale history, to say the least.
Ron Holloway in KINO-German Film No: 95 aus dem Jahre 2009.
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