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    “Das Wunder von Bern” (2003) von Sönke Wortmann am 11. Juni 2014 in Kabel 1

    By Dorothea Holloway | June 12, 2014

    Am Vorabend der WM 2014 hätte es keinen bewegenderen und schöneren Film geben können als Das Wunder von Bern über die Fußball-WM 1954.

    Aus “Wunder und Helden” aus KINO – German Film No: 80 vom Jahre 2004 möchte ich zitieren:

    The “little hero” is also the centerpiece of Sönke Wortmann’s film-ballad, Das Wunder von Bern (The Miracle of Bern). Like in an epic poem, a legend was born on that rain-soaked soccer pitch in the final game at Bern, when the lads from Germany defeated the mighty Hungarians to win the 1954 World Cup by a score of 3-2. Today, every German soccer fan reveres the names of trainer Sepp Herberger, team captain Fritz Walter, and striker Helmut Jahn, who scored the winning goal. Sönke Wortmann depicts all the players as ordinary people, like you and me, as men and boys who love the sport, who stand together when it counts, who play fairly in the best tradition of the game.

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