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»Go, Trabi, Go« von Peter Timm
By Dorothea Holloway | August 22, 2014
Mittwochabend, den 18. August lief im MDR die fabelhafte gemachte und gespielte Komödie Go, Trabi, Go (1991) von Peter Timm.
Mit großem Vergnügen habe ich mir “Trabi Schorsch” noch mal angesehen, von dem Ron Holloway in KINO – German Film No. 42 (1991) sagte: “Go, Trabi, Go is a runaway box-office hit in East Germany.” Am liebsten möchte ich alles zitieren, was Ron damals schrieb und so begann:
The best German film of the season, and by far the most entertaining, Peter Timm’s comedy Go, Trabi, Gois merry fun from the very moment the East German Trabant (“Trabi”) model automobile enters the picture. One way or another, you know this courageous little car is going to carry its passengers, the Struutz family from Bitterfeld near Leipzig, all the way to Naples in Italy – a holiday trip long desired by mother Rita and daughter Jacqueline, but most of all by father Udo, a German teacher for whom Goethe’s Italian Journey is both a bible and a tourist guide.
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