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October 1979 – KINO – German Film zum ersten Mal erschienen
By Dorothea Holloway | July 13, 2015
Das KINO-Heft hatte noch keine Nummer und noch nicht den Zusatz »International Reports«. Der verehrten Filmhistorikerin Lotte Eisner hatten wir das Heft gewidmet: »The first issue of KINO is respectfully dedicated to Lotte Eisner.«
Die langen Ferien
When, on April 1st, 1933, I travelled for the last time on a sleeper to Paris, my sister and brother-in-law awaited me at the station. It was like an April Fool’s Joke: My brother-in-law said to me: »You’ve really come here to take a vacation …« And I said to him: »Oh, Gene, this will be a long vacation!« For I knew that Germany was for me the fatherland I had once had. (Excerpts from The long vacation of Lotte H. Eisner, a documentary film by Sohrab Shahid Saless, 1979).
Ronald Holloway wrote the first report with the title A German Breakthrough? Here the beginning:
At the very moment Reinhard Hauff and an angry group of Munich directors were organizing the rebel Hamburg Film Fest of Film Makers (Das Filmfest der Filmemacher) – a »protest fest,« as Variety coined it – , preparations were being made in New York for the American premieres of Werner Herzog’s Woyyzeck and Nosferatu, Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s The Marriage of Maria Braun and In a year with 13 moons, and Volker Schloendorff’s The tin drum, and Reinhard Hauff’s Knife in the head.
In ARTE ist kürzlich – am 9. Juli – Rainer Werner Fassbinders Nachkriegsdrama Die Ehe der Maria Braun (1979) gezeigt worden. Dieses Meisterwerk hat Filmgeschichte geschrieben.
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