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Hungarian director Benedek Fliegauf in goEast-DVD-Edition
By Eva-Marie Lenz | August 21, 2008
Hungarian director Benedek Fliegauf was honored at the 8th goEast Festival of Central and Eastern European Film in Wiesbaden with goEast-DVD-Edition. Benedek Fliegauf likes to observe colleagues of his own generation: young people, whose teenager years in Budapest had been changed by the political Wende.
In his films Rengeteg (Forest) (Hungary, 2003) and Dealer (Hungary, 2004) Fliegauf directed and dissected their crises and breakouts. Some tested the limits of life, but the game was already over. Others discovered between nightmares and daydreams a new freedom for themselves. Now at this year’s goEast Film Festival the reflective young Hungarian director undergoes a double appraisal.
On one side, his previous work was viewed in its entirety, from his earlier introspective Hypnos (Hypnosis) (Hungary, 2001) to his awarded experimental panorama Tejút (Milky Way) (Hungary, 2007). On the other side, Fliegauf’s Dealer was released among film classics in the ambitious goEast-DVD-Edition, which celebrated its founding in Wiesbaden.
The German initiative – collectively organized by goEast, Frankfurter Rundschau and absolut Medien – plans from now on to make available worldwide high-quality films from Eastern Europe with English subtitles. Following its positive launch, with Krzysztof Kieslowski among others, the Edition deserves growth and resonance.
– Eva-Maria Lenz
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